Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Internalizing Moral Values at School

As a human being, moral values play an important role in our life because without it, we can not be differed from such creatures in the world. It may be heard as a rude word but truly, it is true. Animals will do what they want to do without considering morality because they do not have mind and brain. That's why Allah SWT states that "Human being is the most perfect creature." It shows that truly that moral values is exactly needed to run our life better.
We can not imagine if people especially students have good remarks in all subjects but they have bad moral values. What the future will be in such students' hand? There are so many facts that show us how people whose bad moralities destroy our lives, society and future. We can see bad moralities happened to the students such as smoking, drug abuses, teenager's pregnancy, rap, violation, murder, stealing something from their friends, corruption and many other crimes that can be seen regularly on TV through criminal programs such as Buser, Sergap, Hallo Polisi and so on, also what have been printed by mass media.
The other bad examples which always happened at school are cheating each other when having an examination, disrespecting the teachers, taking lightly to one or some subjects, undisciplined, gambling, even fighting each other.
From the reasons above, we can conclude that moral values should be reinforced at school besides at home or environment. Horrace mann, the father of common school, insisted that all public schools should help the students develop their morality. All the school staffs must not help the students only to be literate and well informed, but also develop their capacity to live responsibly and to judge wisely in the matter of life and conduct it.
Schools have a supportive role to build moral values. There three subjects that teach about moral values at school i.e. PKN, Religion and Budi Pekerti. As a matter of fact, those subjects are not really enough to be integrated and internalized. And definitely, teaching values should input in all subjects. Besides, modeling in moral values of teachers plays an important role because students need a figure or model to be followed in shaping or building moral values.
When the teachers teach the moral values but they, themselves, did not act it out, approximately, the students will see us as hypocrisy. As a result, they will underestimate the teachers and never follow the school' s regulation.
Another thing which is also important is giving punishment. It can force the students to obey the school regulation and to be a discipline personality later on. A short example, all students are forbidden to cheat each other. To obey this regulation, the teacher may not give them any mark at all. If the teacher let the constantly, the students will be happy and try to be dishonest people. The result of being dishonest, will bring them to a real corruptor next when they worked in a company both in government and private.
In summary, the school's goal is not only preparing the students for achieving their carriers, but also enabling them to live with dignity and purpose; not only to give knowledge to them, but also to channel that knowledge to humane ends. Hopefully!

17 komentar:

shella ajah mengatakan...

I Shella's class x-6

I agree with what you have in writing on the successor of the (students) who have the gumption IQ is very intellectual, but do not have the moral good, as I know that my nation, the nation genarasi young indonesian have a very inappropriate to make of nation. because what? as most of nation does not reflect any action measures appropriate to the appointed leaders of nation bangsa.kebanyakan always perform actions that deviate as smoking, gamble, drink, use drugs, free sex, and so, most severe of the age now that many students in pregnant lur marriage.
most of the younger generation does not do any action in accordance with logic, their conscience and take action based on the carnality of their own, without a result of what they will get.
ok now we return to this topic awal.bangsa will never have advanced if the generation that does not bermoral.meskipun many generations who have the gumption sangt high, if not in imbangi with moral or moral pekrti the baik.semua that akanlah be futile only.
wiliness a generation is not enough to be the successor of both nations.
How the nation can progress when leaders have a moral genersinya not good enough?.
SWT GOD created us as human beings is perfect, but we'll never get perfection miliki.Kita that we will not be perfect if we did not try to perfect every action we do.

Yes!!! mengatakan...


Unknown mengatakan...

Siti Rahma XII IPA 2

I think decrease moral value of student is a big problem to our educatin world. I ever heard some students became drugs users and some of them do crime and free sex and do bad things at school.It was influenced by many factor example family,their social life,their friend and something which they saw and heard.Broken home family,loneliness,bored with situation and life in bad social life can make students become a bad man and express their emotion with negative things.
I think the teacher must be more understand about what that students felt and the teacher must tried to be a good friend for their to solve their problem and increase their moral value.I believe that the solving of this problem is in psychology side,in their heart an mind.As a teacher you not only teach but also educate the students to become better than before.Therefore,you must be more patient.I think school can make aprogram which can increase moral value example seminar and invited student’s parents to discuss this problem.Actually,we can prevent since students in elementary school and play group.However,the students are new generation which chance the world into positive or negative.

Anonim mengatakan...

I agree with you that moral value is the most important in our live . That's the differed from such creatures in the world. Many students that do deceits moment repetition show how the low Indonesia teenage morality. for that, teacher character is the most important. i hope teachers increases supervision and give punishment to student who do bad habit , so that later they are scared. Now, many teenagers are lose the moralities in Indonesia. the example, in indonesia several teenagers not shy if they get pregnant before marry, many teenagers feel proud if they use the drugs, They not shy if they do the filthy activity in front of public. isn't it true that our country is the east culture? where does their shy tendon?

i also agree if pkn, religion, and Budi pekerti is suggestion to foster student moral., besides theory, also evaluate from student practice aspect, so that created moral control. But however, the change of their morality is from themself.
in this time, indonesia wants many teenager who have good morality,
The key to protect our morality is remember the God

I think MD so cares about this. It's very good!
I hope, many teacher care what happened in Indonesia and do active to build the morality.


Ritsuki mengatakan...

Rizki Anggraini P XII IPA 2

I agree with that idea. What is the matter with our young generations? As a student, even if I feel moral crisis phenomena which happen in our society life, particularly in students’ life. Indeed, we can’t disown that nowadays many students willing to do anything to get good mark, include cheating. Ironically, they who got mark with that unmoral way exactly rightfully proud when what they have done bring them to the good result. Moreover it seems that they didn’t have any regret or shame to claim what they got was caused by they own efforts. But in my opinion, this is not absolutely the students’ guiltiness at all. I think that actions generally are done because there is highly minimum completeness standard of mark which are given to the students. Our educational system seems to insist the students to chasing mark to reach ‘Pass’ word without pay attention with probably divergence in the way to reach that mark. Besides, the mission of education is not only to teach the students to have wide insight, but also to educate them to become good morale people. For this reasons, I hope the teachers’ estimation is more looking at the students’ progressions which obviously done, and not only based on they ‘unclear marks’.

p.s. nice blog mam..

Unknown mengatakan...

Maria Donata M.P.

I agree that moral values should be reinforced at school besides at home or environment. I think moral values of student is really needed in our education world. Because the future will be in such students' hand. If students have bad moral values, students will do everything like people whose bad moralities. They will destroy our lives, society and future, such as smoking, drug abuses, free sex and do bad things at school. Because of that, schools have a supportive role to build moral values, and students need a figure or model to be followed in shaping or building moral values. So, teacher must tried to be a good friend for them to solve their problem and increase their moral value. Not only teacher, Parents is hold the important position to their children. So, we can make a good moral value from we still small, from our family.

elsan mengatakan...

Name :Elsan Nasution
Class :XII ipa 2

In my opinion a strongly approve of internalizing moral values at school.It is not only play an important role in our life,but also it shows that truely moral values is exactly needed to run our life better.
I can see bad conduct:The other bad examples which always happened at school are cheating each other when having an examination, disrespecting the teachers, taking lightly to one or some subjects, undisciplined, gambling, even fighting each other.
From the reasons above, we can conclude that moral values should be reinforced at school besides at home or environment. Horrace mann, the father of common school, insisted that all public schools should help the students develop their morality. All the school staffs must not help the students only to be literate and well informed, but also develop their capacity to live responsibly and to judge wisely in the matter of life and conduct it.
(by:Elsan Nasution)

elsan mengatakan...

Name :Elsan Nasution
Class :XII ipa 2

In my opinion a strongly approve of internalizing moral values at school.It is not only play an important role in our life,but also it shows that truely moral values is exactly needed to run our life better.
I can see bad conduct:The other bad examples which always happened at school are cheating each other when having an examination, disrespecting the teachers, taking lightly to one or some subjects, undisciplined, gambling, even fighting each other.
From the reasons above, we can conclude that moral values should be reinforced at school besides at home or environment. Horrace mann, the father of common school, insisted that all public schools should help the students develop their morality. All the school staffs must not help the students only to be literate and well informed, but also develop their capacity to live responsibly and to judge wisely in the matter of life and conduct it.
(by:Elsan Nasution)

Erlin mengatakan...

As you said, we as a young generation need a great figure to improve our moral value.
But, to find that role is difficult. Because what we saw and heard is not a great figure we could followed.
If we have a bad moral value, all peoples only blame to us.
They don't know why we can be like that or the reasons.
Some peoples doesn't know the truth about youth moral values. They just see what they see and make a judge to us, but they not see the truth.
How we can have a good moral value if the figure we followed didn't show a good moral in role modelling ?
The figure we followed are our parents and teachers.
Even our parents and teachers sometimes could not be a great figure for us.
So that's why, we need a great figure from them both. We just need that role can be show in a role modelling in our life.
Not only we can't find a great figure, but there's another factors make a bad moral values in young generations self.
There are social life, teachers, and parents. If they had a bad social life it could make a worse effect for they moral values.
The teachers as a role modelling of a good moral at school, sometimes gave a bad impression in front of they student.
So we as a student made a bad judge of themselfs. But some students followed that bad act.
And also it happened with parents in this condition. A young generations moral values is depends from the figure the follows.
If the figure show all good impression and personalities, then we will follows and can be a great human being.
It's depends from what we see and hear to have a great personalities and a great moral values.

Asrianty Erlinda
XII Science 2

Unknown mengatakan...

puput nova triani

I agree with moral value is the important to life.Nowadays moral is believed no importance by people with the result that happen descent moral value.example descent moral value like drug,smoking,a buses,teenager's pregnancy,rap,violation,murder,stealing something from their friend , corruption and many other crimes.descent moral value influenced many factor example area and family.Beside that cheating at school happened because students must got high value .Perhaps students don't understand.In here,the teacher must to understand students until the students understand about what be taught.so students don't cheating.Role of teacher needed by students for become more good.An other teacher,the student must supporting for reached good moral.the student must to enterprice to change her self to become more good with leadhing teacher.At the moment,the teacher become a good example for her students.until the students become fine to teacher.that's form first stage until the student become respect against that her teacher.so,earlier teacher for lead her students.

Unknown mengatakan...

Afiniar Nilamsari M(06)
Yeah, Student’s moral value must be guidance and directed from school to reach better future by the teachers and school environment. Many examples about bad behavior that the students do like cheats, drug users, smokers, fighting even free sex. I’m sure these can damaged the student’s future. There are caused by many factors like broken home, loneliness, or less attention from their family. Example about the “maximum score standard” that student must get beside the school tasks. These can motivate the students to improve or practice their skill and keep study hard. But it can cause many students doing whatever way to get better score like “cheating”. They also imagination how about UAN later? What should I do? And etc. The teachers don’t know how the students get it. Actually the teachers are not only teaching but also educating and guidance the student’s moral value beside Religion, PKN n Budi Pekerti to get the better future. The school can increase religion activities not only art activities like pray together or discussion about religion or teenage problem etc. In conclusion, I hope school can improve the quality of young generation to reach successful not only “outside” but also “inside”…


agam is razgriz...... mengatakan...

I agree with your atikel mam, many people less attention to moral values. So many criminals in this world, ranging from theft, rape, sexual harassment and many others. Now, many teenagers are lose the moralities in Indonesia. the example, in indonesia several teenagers not shy if they get pregnant before marry, many teenagers feel proud if they use the drugs, They not shy if they do the filthy activity in front of public. I think there are several causes of lack of morality this world i.e teacher in their school, parents, and neighborhood. Maybe many people less attention to moral values think for Moral education in schools is considered less important because morality is not the assessment of students' graduation. There is the assumption that moral matters is a person's privacy matters with religion and God so that society in general and in particular school teachers have no right to interfere with privacy too it. In fact, such assumptions were appropriate because kuranglah moral development of the nation's next generation is the joint responsibility. Both government and society, both schools and parents and the surrounding environment. However, schools should position it self as the spearhead for getting the mandate from the state constitution on the national education system.
My advice to teachers d world, remains a patient teacher in educating their students. And I hope, many teacher care what happened in Indonesia and do active to build the morality.

By Rheza Tuszakka
XII science 2
Absent 29

Unknown mengatakan...

Miftachul Jannah
kelas XII IPA 2

I agree with you mom.That moral values it's very important for development progress education our country.I think the moral values that we have all ready good in Pkn,religion,and Budi pekerti must be applyed.In this case the student support from all the people.Someone who has a good mark is not always has good morals,because the mark is not always come from her/his abilities to do the test/examination. It might be caused by their wrong society or they do not apply the moral values in their life,so it makes they have bad morals.Those moral values must be taught since they were child. In this case,parents roles are important to make good personalities and good morals. Consclousness of the children who have bad moral values is also important to make good personalities of their selves.

Anonim mengatakan...

I think the text with title "Internalizing Moral Values at School" that You wrote is very good. In my text, Iwill give my opinion about it.
Ithink the school program that You explain about the schhol who make a program to build student's moral values were not really perfect. I think, if the program to build student's moral values just in three lesson(PKn, religion, and Budi Pekerti) isn't enough. Everytime is the best time to earn about moral. They can draw a moral from everybody around them. So, every teacher in the school have to be a good model of the moral values in the social life. The students will learn and be a good people, too.
Students will be honest, nice, and friendly. They will not cheat again. If it really happen, it will be the best thing ever. A aphorism who says "Human,The Most Perfect Creature Ever Created by God" will not useless.
But, it will no use if the parents, teachers, and students pay no attention on it.
So, let's make a best world with a good moral values.

Name : Andrei Dohari Tanjung
Class : XII IPA 2

Anonim mengatakan...

Chan Jimmy c.

yes, i agree with you ma'am. moral values must be internalized to all people, especially for students. because students will become the successors of the nation. so, whether they don't have good attitudes and lack of moral values, of course our country will become worse than before.
even they are clever and smart, but without moral values i'm sure that they won't become the good successors of the nation. why? without the morality, they will not respect to each other and have an ill manner.

in schools, there are many subjects which teach students about the morality. PKN, Religion, and Budi Pekerti. i think, to reinforce the moral values for students, teacher must not only teach them the theory about morality but teach them to practice and apply it to their life as well. because, as a student, i think theory will be useless if we can't apply it in our life.

Anonim mengatakan...

I strongly believe that moral values should be internalized at school, besides house, neighborhood, family, etc. And we all already knew about PKn, Budi Pekerti and Religion subject as the moral subjects at school (I can catch this point from your posting). About ‘practice is better than theory’, again, we all already knew. About ‘the teacher should doing good at all’, again, we all already knew.

We already knew that moral values should internalize at school. We already knew about the moral subjects at school and the teacher should doing good at all. But somehow we didn’t realize that our already-knew about many things above is just a theory. Are they just a theory? Yes, they are. Why?

Because we didn’t make our already-knew and our realizing into a movement. If you, me, and them already knew that PKn is one of moral subjects at school, so why we just let it bigger as a subject? We just let it bigger with theory, presentation with power point, and discussion. Why? Why don’t we make it bigger with kinda CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) project? An absolute practice about moral that can please many people at the same time. And if you, me, and them already knew that Budi Pekerti is one of moral subject, why we let it disappear from high-school curriculum? Why don’t we make it as a strong part of curriculum? I guess, those things that I already mentioned are enough to prove how we make our already-knew and our realizing fly away.

If we already knew what actually happen in this present is going good and wrong at the same time (I mean, the all theory is ‘the wrong’, and the moral values at school is ‘the good’), why don’t we make everything going good?
I am sure we can do it. Do something one by one. Replacing the bad with the good one softly and make the good one become strong. I am sure we can do it.

So, why do you still stay up late in front of you computer, madam? Your sentences are just seems like a lamp. Give it more energy, one by one, softly, and see how the lamp shines your surroundings. Give more energy, and give your friends (my teachers at SMANZA) your light :)

Annisa Zakiroh mengatakan...

Annisa Zakiroh
SMA Negeri 1 Balikpapan

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