Senin, 05 Januari 2009

A letter to all Presidents in the world

Dear sirs,
I can't imagine living in a very bad condition where there were many invasions, bomb and many other destructions happened in my religious town, Palestine. I'm sure that everybody will have the same feeling like me. A scary and harsh condition made by all Israel's soldiers, killed children and all their innocents families, without feeling guilty and asked themselves, " Did I do something true or false toward other people?"Did my actions hurt many people?" I'm sure that they all never think about that. They thought that they are the owner of the world who can do everything they want although it is harm others. Even when all the presidents in the world instructed them to stop doing invasion to Palestine, they just snobbish and keep bombing Palestine. Hi... soldiers of Israel, "Don't you ever think if this condition happened to your all family where they were killed and bombed by another soldiers in front of your eyes?" Don't you cry looking at that condition? Don't you have a heart to do such bad things? Others might not known what's your mission to do that! Is there big problems between you and Palestine? Or it just your ambition to master all the land in Palestine? And there will be another purposes that we never known, one thing that Israel only know is keep doing invasion to the peaceful country, Palestine.
My beloved presidents in the world,
Let's gather together, hand in hand to stop Israel's invasion to Palestine. May be it's hard to come to the Palestine, but one that we can do here, is praying to Allah SWT for all heroes of Palestine who struggle and defend their countries till the end of their blood. Another things that we can do also is to stop using the product made by Israel and his ganks started from now on. Let them to do their business in their own area. Don't allow them to come to our country and promote their products as they did it to us, never obeyand hear us to stop doing invasion.
My beloved presidents in the world,
I'm as a mother of two children really hope that this Palestine tragedy will be ending soon. We need Children to build and develop the country to go forward. If they all died, so who will do that all? Did we let the older to do that? Yes, they can do that sir, but it's only for temporary. After that they also died.
We need the router generation to heal Palestine and make it better country free from every single invasion. It is not only for them, but also for you and for me and the answer human right. No people crying, suffered because of the bomb and invasion. Everyting looks harmony and peaceful. This letter is an expression from the buttom of my heart, a mother who really really love the children.

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