Sedih hatiku melihat tayangan TV yang mempertontonkan kepada masyarakat luas di Indonesia bahkan di dunia tentang vonis pidana selama 1 bulan setengah tahanan rumah terhadap nenek Minah terkait kasus pencurian 3 buah kakao di Purwokerto Jawa Tengah. Aku tak menyangka kalau hal ini menimpa kepada orang yang seharusnya kita sayangi dan lindungi dalam mengarungi hidupnya yang tidak berapa lama lagi ditemani suami tercinta yang juga sama dengan dirinya, sama-sama tua. Aku cuma bingung, mengapa tidak ada rasa belas kasih kepada orang yang sudah berjasa terhadap bidang perkebunan dan pertanian di Indonesia mewakili para petani lainnya. Aku hanya berpikir, tidak adakah pihak yang mendukung keadilan untuk nenek Minah akibat 3 biji kakao yang harganya tidak seberapa sehingga nenekku sayang harus duduk di kursi pesakitan layaknya seorang terdakwa padahal nenek tidak melakukan apa-apa. Nenekku sayang hanya memungt 3 biji kakao yang jatuh dari pohonnya kemudian dipungut untuk ditanam kembali agar bisa tumbuh subur dan berbuah banyak. Subhanallah... masih ada kasih sayang dari nenek untuk menyuburkan habitat kakao yang mungkin jika tidak ada campur tangan nenek Minah yang lembut, tidak mungkin akan berkembang biak dengan sempurna. Mungkin jika dibandingkan dengan aku yang tidak pandai bercocok tanam, mana mungkin kakao tumbuh dengan subur jika tanganku yang menanamnya, melainkan tangan nenek Minah yang dibutuhkan oleh biji tersebut untuk hidup pada sebuah lahan karena nenek lebih profesional dalam hal berkebun dan bertani dibanding dengan aku yang berprofesi sebagai seorang pendidik. Aku sadar, aku tidak setegar nenek Minah yang kuat diterpa ujian yang sangat berat yang saya yakin orang lain pun tidak sanggup menahan ujian berat seperti yang dialami oleh nenek. Nenek sangat kuat hidup dalam garis kemiskinan dan tetap tersenyum walaupun cobaan kemiskinan dan fitnah orang datang silih berganti.
Nenek Minah, maafkan aku yang tidak bisa membantumu karena jarak kita yang sangat berjauhan. Aku hanya bisa membantumu dengan do'a tulus yang kupanjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT agar hidup nenek dan kakek senantiasa barokah dan jauh dari segala bentuk penzoliman yang dilontarkan oleh orang-orang yang tidak suka dengan rakyat kecil seperti kita, nek. Nenek, aku juga berjanji akan menjadi pendidik yang akan mencetak generasi yang jujur yang akan selalu membela kebenaran dan memberantas kezoliman, bukan sebaliknya. Generasi itu juga yang akan menciptakan kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab serta keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia sehingga tidak ada lagi jurang pemisah antara si kaya dan si miskin.
Nenek Minah, do'a ini berasal dari cucumu, seorang pendidik yang peduli dengan keberadaan orang-orang jujur dan bersih seperti nenek. Semoga Allah SWT meridhoinya. Amin!
19 komentar:
Assalamualaikum wrb, good afternoon miss dayang. My opinion about the story”maafkan aku nenek Minah” I’m really sad after I read that story. it not fair. because the problem is not very big and she just stole 3 kakao seeds. why the judge gave her guilty verdict and she must stay at home for one month. why the big criminal like corruptor still free until now. this prove that rule of law in Indonesian still can build justice. so I think from this story we can learn about life from side of justice. perhaps I just can said .i hope my opinion can useful for all people to make bright future. and last one, i hope Indonesian government can make a big change now. Thanks for read my Opinion.
Nama : Bani Rizal Ibrahim
Assalamualaikum wrb, good night miss dayang, I’m really sad after I watching on television about this news, and I cry again after I read this article, it’s remember me again about grand mother minah... I really shocked about that. Grandmother minah just take three cocoa seeds, and what grandmother minah get? The judge give her punish, she must stay at home one month. Its really not fair, how about the corrupter steal much money? Is he get a same appreciate like grandmother minah? The answer is NO. hmm... I can't help her, I can only give some pray to her, I hope the justice can be truth. and I hope grandmother minah can be strong and not shock of this problem.
Assalamualaikum wrb, good evening miss Dayang. This is first time I hear this story when I read your blog, I'm swear! I cant believe what I was reading this time, why Grandma Minah got this unfair reality? I think what she do is cant gotten a punishment, but what can she do to fight the law?
I think this reality is cried me, of course I can feel this sadly experience of the Minah grandma just only with read this story from the blog or watching in television, I just can only support and pray to you from my home, but I know that the real will be real in the Allah's law. Grandma Minah, I know that cause the polity is so real, now you're in jail, please believe in the truth and always pray to the Allah, I know that He will show His love to every one who love Him,
so dont worry, Grandma, what unfair you got, God will always with anyone who do the true and, become strong to do your life and believe that a true is always win in this world. Hope to happily life will began into your life, Grandma. Thank you..
Name : Muhammad Ichwan
That incident should not more talked to much, because only there cocoa which nothing compare for the price and not inflict a financial loss to other people near her. Face of this problem with strong heart and strong soul I can only pray for nenek minah can be strong, and not shock of this problem because the test which god give definitely have philosophy more than the test god give to you. I hope nenek minah can free, because outside there, her grandchild is waiting for her love.
Name : Angga Saputra
Assalamualaikum wrb, good night miss Dayang..
After I read this article, I have some opinion about that...ehm !
I was very concerned about this incident. Only brought 3 cocoa, an old grandmother must get the punishment of the prison for one month half. This is very unjust !!!
Moreover the judge then cried after reading the verdict for the grandmother Minah. They who punished the innocent grandmother acknowledged as humankind? No, I think not, they are just a cruel creature...!! *Aaaarrgghhh~*
I felt, how if grandmother Minah was our grandmother, will we just quiet saw our grandmother was treated unjustly like that? Whereas the coruptors who stole a lot of money only got the minor punishment? I was very concerned with the modern law that begin weaken its moral value...
But, I'm very amazed with her patience and her obstinacy. Not all could have the characteristics like that, including me.
I think thats all. Thank you for reading my opinion.
Nama : Dimas Chandra Kusuma
My opinion steal must be punishment but what I saw about grandmother minah trouble its not same like steal because three cocoa seeds is not in tree. But three cocoa seeds is on the ground and grandmother minah take it. The people feel, grandmother minah accident its not must be judgment. But the gardens owner said he just want to give lesson for people that live in that village. So people don’t dare to stole cocoa seed in the garden. Perhaps, I just can said that. I hope my opinion can make Indonesian government realize that case is not very big. Not like corruptor cases that often happened in government. Thanks for read my opinion
Nama : Awang Pawoko
Assalamualaikum wbr. I already reads article in miss dayang blogspot about article which the title “forgive me grand mother minah” I want give reaction about it. After I reads that article feel in my heart sympathy, angry and amazed. Feel sympathy to grandma minah just because thing which I feel small but as a consequence grandma minah must verdicted during one half month although she verolicted not in jail but just in her house. But, its problem settled not fair. All at once, make me angry. Cause, grandma minah only take three cocoas which fall from its tree. Then catched by owner cocoa trees and suspicions grandma minah steals. At fact, right in that areas often happened stealing cocoa fruits. Grandma minah just purpose right, that is just take three cocoa fruit and sprout up again in that field for grows. Fact cocoa plants rare in Indonesia so must ever lasted because not extinct. Just want do right but got bad result because un justice. I feel amozed I purpose for grandma minah because, she still rigid and calm in a crossing that problem.
Name: aji.sayid.fachrur.rozi (L)
Class: 2ips1
Assalamualaikum warrahmatillahi wabarakattuh
First, lets we saying prayers and thanks to Allah SWT because Allah blessing, I can gift my comment about that story “maafkan aku nenek minah “ or in English is “forgive me grandmother minah “ in this day and this opportunity. i think this story is very, very interesting to we learning, attention and musing for all of people. the question is why ?
Of course I have a reason. like we see, this story is about the grandmother who she accusing stealing three kokoas in reality that fruits is fall it self from the tree then the tree owner reporting that incident to the police. that incident taste not fair don’t wee ?
Even that incident is happen not long after ANGGODO case which in that time the corruption case is not arrive to the court. so I think law in Indonesian is not enough fair for poor people.
Thanks for attention.
Annisa Minal Noor
assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
My comment about this story is very sad because the little problems that too in large-raising. Eye did not open them all, they can only suppress the small people like Minah's grandmother. Things like this should not be on leave for a while they will repeat for the second time. She was only picked up 3 cacao beans is not taken as a thief, the fruit falls by itself. Few people moved like a done deed Minah's grandmother. They should help not arbitrarily, because if in thought when 3 cacao beans planted and growing well developed it could be an asset to the country itself. The result can increase foreign exchange.
Name : Anggyaswari Pratiwi
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Miss, I will comment on your own blog.
I agree with you, why Grandma Minah should be convicted of criminal for 1.5 months when she was picked up 3 fruit cacao plant which will she return in order to flourish and bear much fruit.
I can not think what people thought was so Grandma Minah should suffer like this.
Is there no love from the people for Grandma Minah whose life is not how much longer?
Are they not able to think clearly like Grandma Minah planting the cacao fruit back to earth?
I think they should have learned from Grandma Minah intelligence, modeled after her love nature and continue to assist and loving her to the end of her life so she quietly at the side of God when she left her grandchildren can be a good successor.
I hope those people immediately opened their eyes which could not see Granda Minah love it immediately, and the owner of the cacao tree could feel the sincerity of cacao fruit was taken by the grandmother.
I also pray for Granda Minah to continue to struggle with difficulties in her life.
May Allah SWT continue to keep Grandma Minah, giving convenience, and continue to give courage. Amen.
Name : Dina Sonya T
Good Afternoon Miss Dayang..
I'm so sad after read Miss Dayangs's article about grandmother Minah. Should not Grandmother Minah undergoing such events. Because her actions not criminal. So, unnecessary catching it. I'm so sad too with judicature in Indonesian. I hope will not happen again events like this. I hope judicature in Indonesian more established again, too. To grandmother Minah, I believe you are not guilty. You must be exceed this trials. Thank you :)
Name : Ary Tri Oktavian
Assalamualaikum WR WB, good night miss dayang. after me read lady in waiting miss blog. i am as student do not accept adjudget accepted by minah grandmother in consequnce too heavy to a which have continued age. why she have to in holding up just because 3 kakao which is in taking of after falling from its price tree nor costlyonly around Rp 24000 and company owning that kakao nor loss. Last of minah grandmother also taking it to in planting again so that the crop can thrive and many fruit. How not fair is punish in this indonesia state compare with people money thief harming state till have their bilion to bilion rupiah there is which still free nestle outside there.sorrowful what a this state. But i know minah grandmother can be patient with faced temptation it. And my minah grandmother, as student which is justice love in this state, in a period of me wait i will struggle to give justice to people like minah grandmother.
name : gusti aldi
assaalamualaikum wr wb . .
I actually felt sad when I saw this news, but what confused me is why people who have a cocoa tree with no feelings reported to the police that the grandmother Minah stealing 3 pieces of cacao seeds that fall from the tree, when it amounted to only 3 of cocoa seed only and will not cause harm to the owner of the tree.
but in other stories, many government officials take a right offhand that should not belong to a large number but he did not get retribution by what he did.
I really feel very sad to see the behavior of people in Indonesia do now, if there is no established law in this country?
whether all the legal laws already purchased by the embezzler?
our country must have laws and we enforce, as appropriate, all human beings no one is above the law.
therefore we have to make this country a country fair and prosperous
Name : Ibnu Farizal
I feel concerned, with what that happen on grandma minah case, because of that, we can see clearly, that Indonesia’s law far from fair, because much big problems than grandma minah problem, like corruption, that did by a person that not responsible, so grandma minah should not be punished, but she really really should be helped by her own economic condition. The case that be held by this little accident was really really shocking and should not happen because of its quantity because it’s really really unfire show justice in Indonesia. From now and until forever.
Name : Dahlia Puspita Sari
Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning miss dayang suriani my relation : to forgive “ maafkan aku nenek minah “,. The only to announce that attitude her is wrong. Because her not wealthy to seek the money for need her. So too her husband and factor age. Why the judge gave her guilty verdict and she must. Stay at home for one month. Why big criminal like corrupt or still free until now. This prove that rule law in Indonesia can build justice. So I think from this story we can learn about life from side of justice. Perhaps I just can said. I hope my opinion can useful for all people to make bright. Thanks for read my opinion “ maafkan aku nenek minah “
Name : Evin Istiqamah
I had seen in the tv. That, there is a old lady name’s nenek minah who catched by the police because she stole 3 choclate. From place where she worked. She said that, she stole that choclate b’cause she don’t have any money again. But the police shouldn’t give her a punishment like that. I feel very poor with her bcause she must be a prisoner and must prison in her house more less 3 month 15 days. And she is no allowed to do anything like go to work. Socialization with her neighbore, even she is not allowed to go outside from her home. It very disproposional with her mistake. She just stole 3 choclate but she has to accept a punishment which very hard for her. How bout many people in outside who take so much money from the government but they don’t accept a punishment. They die free outside enjoy the folks money. How about with the system of law in our country. They protected the people who has much money then the people who poor. I hope the law can be change on the world
Name : Indra Hojaya
Good morning miss dayang. I already reads article in miss dayang blogspot. My opinion thief must be punishment but what I saw grandma minah only take 3 cocoa from ground, I think we can forgive her. I feel sad grandma minah must punish. Why old women like grandma minah must be punish? She is to weak for jail. I hope grandma minah get justice. Owner of cocoa is so cruel because he punish old women and angry with her. I hate owner of cocoa. I hope grandma minah can forger the all tragedy and keep your smile grandma minah ^_^ I have to pray for you and your family. Thank you for read my opinion. Good morning. Have a good day.
NAMA : Ceria Bion Ekprisa
Class : 2 ips 1
Assalamualaikum.wr.wb good night
after reading this story, this story really touched my heart. Minah grandmother who enjoyed his old age should be entangled legal cases because only took three cacao fruit.
If only grandmother Minah dishonest, perhaps he would be free of legal entanglement, but the grandmother Minah honestly and innocently admitted that he did take three to become the seeds of cacao.
Ooh dear grandmother , poor grandmother was not an iota of compassion from the complainant to forgive the case .... keep going until finally the grandmother became victims with one-month sentence and a half .... .
grandmother may be a case of patience with this. because every hardship there is ease.
Maybe this is a lesson for us as a young child that honesty is very expensive a price.
for the Indonesian government, fairness should be enforced. if Indonesia based on the principle of the law states it should for such a small case can be resolved easily.
name: Chandra Nugroho. 2s1.
assalamualaikum wr wb.
Previously good morning mom. I'm sorry mom. I was only able to post a comment now. I just read an article about the grandmothers Minah and in my opinion, it is cruel and malign the judgment Minah grandmother. just because the cocoa fruit? Astafirullah. how I am sad to hear that. Is there no compassion for the grandmother Minah including the small people?? It's outrageous. I am here can only hope and pray that justice is given to the grandmother Minah. remain confident trial is rough but I assure you one thing, God gave this trial solely because he wanted to give a better life in the future. Believe it nek Minah. Continue to pray in your distress nek, remain establish your belief in God. Since the only god who can help Minah grandmother now. For the judgment may you cursed by the gods. This is also a lesson for us all not just judge people by doing what he did, but the look of sincerity and honesty he did it.
Thank you for reading my comment mom.
and I say thank you also for the people who prayed and continue to support the grandmother Minah. I hope our prayers all the grant. AMIN.
wassalamualaikum wr wb.
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